Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Y'all better tell somebody about those Lady Stars!!!

U17 Team Black - Coach Puryear

Deep South Classic

The Capital City Stars - U17 Team - Puryear competed at the Deep South Classic in Raleigh, NC. The girls went 3-1. On Friday they beat a very good Rambler's Juel from Ontario, Canada. Saturday they beat Hoop City from Florida and Columbia Ravens from Maryland. Sunday morning the girls lost a close game to Breaker Edgehill from Rhode Island in the championship.
The coaches are reportedly fielding a lot of calls from college coaches about the girls.  OUTSTANDING JOB!!!
Great job Stars...................YOU ROCK!

Capital City Stars U13 RED - Coach Darrin Green

They had an outstanding showing down at the Deep South Classic too.  They played stellar competition and managed several wins before falling on Championship Sunday in the Final Four of their bracket.  Way to go ladies, keep working and remember to let your game SHINE!